General Trading conditions of the company Karadar - wines, spirits, drinks & more / Karadar Diether
1. Area of application and contracting party
The company Karadar Ltd., called "supplier" in the following, performs it's services only and exclusively based on the following general trading conditions. Contracting party for you the client is the company Karadar Ltd. - the address is a registered internet address of the supplier.
2. Item of contract
Item of the contract is selling and/or the intermediation of products of different producers.
3. Order and completition of contract
All offers are subject to change and not binding. All orders have to be send online. The order is just a repetition of an offer and it is not committing for the supplier to accept it - especially not any conditions. General terms of the client are determined impossible. Purchasing an assortment or present-box the VAT will be recalculated depending on the products acquired. If ordered via internet the sale contract is only valid if confirmed by the supplier.
If the requested vintage of your wine order has been sold out, we will send the following vintage, if quality and price are equal. If the requested vine is in the upper price range (>25,00 EUR/bottle), we will naturally contact you before sending the order and charging your credit card. Product images shown are for informational purposes only and should not match the original. Information on the content of alcohol, residual sugar and other ingredients may vary due to changes by the manufacturer.
Protection of children and young people
As declared by law, we don't sell our alcoholic products to persons under age. With the acceptance of our Terms and Conditions you declare to be of age.
4. Prices
For the completition of the contract the valid prices are those to date and shown public in the internet. If not metioned differently, the prices are calculated including the value added tax (VAT). For the supplier it is always possible to change the prices without notice.
5. Terms of payment
The products can be payed as shown below:
- Bank transfer: Without expenses for the supplier - to the following account:
Piazza magistrale 3 - I-39038 San Candido (BZ)
ABI: 08020 - CAB: 58790 - K/K Nr.: 000301060007
IBAN: IT 67 K 08020 58790 0003 0106 0007
- PayPal: secure payment with credit cards.
- Stripe: secure payment with credit cards.
- Skrill: secure payment with credit cards.
- Amazon Pay: secure payment with Amazon Pay.
6. Terms of delivery
visit Shipping-Informations
All prices are inclusive VAT.
7. Return of products
For returning a product, the client needs a copy of the receipt. The client has to take all further costs and risks for the return. Wrong deliveries are only accepted back undamaged and not opened. For private clients the decree 50/92 is valid. This type of client has a right of withdrawl from the sales contract, if he informes the supplier within 14 days in written form with a registered letter with reply to show receipt. Excluded from this reglement are opened and/or truncated articles. On receive verify the original packaging. Subsequent reclamation can not be considered.
8. Reservation of ownership
Until the full payment is done all the delivered products are owned by the supplier.
9. Data privacy protection
The supplier wants to point out, that personal dates are getting stored for the contract implementation. The supplier has the right, to work with the dates of his clients and to make use of them, as far it is necessary for the advice of clients, advertising and market research for the supplier`s own needs and to optimize his work.
10. Saving clause / Place of jurisdiction
If single regulations of this contract should not be binding in law, the effectiveness of the rest of the general trading conditions remains uneffected. The regulations not binding in law are getting replaced by formulations keeping the sense of the contract, or are getting replaced by the legal requirements.
Place of jurisdiction is Brunico (BZ) in South Tyrol / Italy.
11. Breakage:
In the case of broken merchandise, we must be informed within two (2) calendar days. In addition, the damage must be confirmed by the carrier. It is advisable to open the package and control its contents while the carrier is still present. Without the carrier’s confirmation of damage, our insurance will refuse to pay any compensation.